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Tackling the Climate Emergency: Mitigation, Adaptation and Biodiversity
22 Sep 2020
Join expert speakers who will consider the crucial role landscape architects play in designing a sustainable future and how to plan for large scale infrastructure in the age of a climate crisis – particularly from a climate change resilience assessment, air quality and zero carbon development perspective. We will also consider why material specification is at the core of sustainable design and why this needs to be carefully considered for every project.
Landscape architects have a crucial role to play in planning and designing a sustainable future but it will need radical transformation of the way we learn, think and work if we are also to tackle the immediate challenges of Climate, Biodiversity and Covid. Andrew will outline some thoughts from his work and experience and explore what opportunities there are for landscape design in future projects.
10b. Planning for large scale infrastructure in the age of a climate crisis – Dr Xiangyu Sheng, GL Hearn
Over the years, the topic of climate change has increased its prominence as a key issue in influencing sustainable development policy making. The UK National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) published its Design Principles for National Infrastructure in February 2020, to inform the design of infrastructure in the UK. One of the core design principles is the aim for UK infrastructure to be designed in such a way that helps set the trajectory for the UK to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner. This session aims to inform industry professionals on climate change resilience assessment, air quality and zero carbon development for large scale infrastructure schemes.
10c. Materials matter – Romy Rawlings CMLI, Vestre
The session will delve into the minutiae of why material specification is at the core of sustainable design and needs to be carefully considered for every project. With a focus on quality and longevity, the detail of several materials will be explained in the context both of Life Cycle Assessment and carbon (both embodied and in-use). Alongside this will be a plea for longer term thinking to avoid the current limitations around value engineering and the short-term views that prevail in our sector.
10d. Panel discussion
A new world – how do we adapt our practice and places in light of climate change risks?
Andrew Grant RDI, CMLI, Hon FRIBA, FRSA, Grant Associates
Andrew Grant is founder and director of Grant Associates, a leading landscape architecture practice. In 2012 he was awarded the title of RSA Royal Designer for Industry in recognition of his pioneering global work, such as the multi award winning Gardens by the Bay in Singapore. He is a Visiting Professor at the University of Sheffield, an Honorary Fellow of the RIBA and a member of the National Infrastructure Commission Design Group. Andrew is Chair of the Bathscape Landscape Partnership, a member of the Bath World Heritage Site Advisory Board and co-founder of the pop-up festival Forest of Imagination.
Dr Xiangyu Sheng, GL Hearn
Dr Xiangyu Sheng is Director of Climate Change and Air Quality Services at GL Hearn, with over 25 years of experience in climate change, carbon emission assessment, air quality monitoring and modelling, emission inventory, environmental impact assessment and urban developments. She has worked on large-scale international projects in the UK and Asia Pacific. An alumnus of Cambridge University, Dr Sheng is a fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society (FRMets), a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv), a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and Chartered Physicist (CPhys). She was an expert member of the Environment and Water Sector Advisory Group (EWSAG), UKTI (2008-2012) and holds a PhD in Environmental Science.
Romy Rawlings CMLI, Vestre
Romy Rawlings is a Chartered Landscape Architect and UK Commercial Director for Vestre, a Norwegian manufacturer of street furniture. Romy’s entire career has been based in the landscape sector, with the last decade or so spent working predominantly with manufacturers. Passionate about the impact of good design upon those using outdoor spaces, Romy strives to promote best practice in every aspect of her work and believes landscape architects are well placed to counter many of today’s global issues through their work – issues of urbanisation, climate change, water and food security, improvement of biodiversity etc.
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