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Landscape Institute Conference 2017 – Landscape as Infrastructure
22 Jun 2017
Collette Patterson and Jacqueline Fookes discuss ‘Landscape design approach for ecosystem service’.
Collette Patterson is a chartered landscape architect with over 25 years’ experience of working on infrastructure projects throughout the UK and overseas. Working in a multidisciplinary environment for most of her career, co-ordinating environmental and landscape inputs, she has delivered landscape design schemes for water companies, Highways England, the Environment Agency, HS2 and is currently working on strategic plans to integrate Green Infrastructure into Crossrail.
Jacqueline Fookes works for Mott MacDonald and is an environmental coordinator for large infrastructure projects she has been in consultancy for over 30 years. Her first project involving ecosystem services was undertaken 6 years ago and was an Interreg funded project concerning sustainable development in urban fringes. From that she became involved in the Defra funded TABLES project which led to a close relationship with Cranfield University and the Natural Capital Ecosystems Services team there
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