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Day 2. 4 Question Time Style Session : How to influence Systemic Changes


The climate crisis is a result of wider systemic injustice, and any genuine solutions must be centred on justice and equity. Government plans for a ‘Green Recovery’ or initiatives to ‘Build Back Better’ must therefore be scrutinised to ensure they do not simply promote ‘business as usual’. In this session, you will deepen your understanding of what a fair Green Recovery looks like through an internationalist lens; how to challenge systemic racism to widen access to green spaces and diversify the landscape profession. Mya Rose, Back2Nature will talk about organising her first nature camp for Visible Minority Ethnic teenagers, starting her campaigning to make the conservation and environmental sectors ethnically diverse and engaged VME people.

Dr Mya Rose Craig, Back2Nature; Tatiana Garavito, Wretched of the Earth; Asad Rehman, War on Want; Chair: Ahlyah Ali, Landscape Institute

Dr Mya Rose Craig, Back2Nature

18-year-old Mya-Rose Craig is a prominent British Bangladeshi birder, conservationist & environmentalist. She is committed to conservation such as stopping biodiversity loss and saving our planet through halting climate change, whilst respecting indigenous peoples, and highlighting Global Climate Justice as it intersects with Climate Change Action. She focusses her attention on change from governmental and huge global corporations.

Tatiana Garavito, Wretched of the Earth

Tatiana is an organiser and facilitator with over ten years’ experience of working on issues around race, migration and climate justice. She has led strategy development processes for social justice organisations, facilitated work exploring liberation, and delivered training onmovement building across the UK and in Europe.

Asad Rehman, War on Want

Asad Rehman is the Executive Director of the radical anti-poverty and social justice charity War on Want, that works to achieve a vision of a just world, through their mission to fight against the root causes of poverty, inequality, human rights violations. Asad is a leading climate justice activist whose work has helped to reframe the climate crisis as a crisis of neoliberal capitalism, inequality and racism

Ahlyah Ali, Landscape Institute

Ahlyah is a Member Services Officer at the Landscape Institute. She is a volunteer with UK Youth Climate Coalition, campaigning in their Systems Change team, and is a Youth Advisor for The Resilience Project, which aims to build resilience into the youth climate movement.

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