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Healthcare facilities: Health and wellbeing through landscape-led design


Building on the Landscape Institute’s successful 2021 online CPD conference, “Healthy, Wellbeing and Place: How Landscape Delivers Change,” this two-part masterclass will delve into the landscape-led approach in designing, planning, and managing healthcare facilities to achieve positive outcomes for health, wellbeing, and biodiversity.

This 2 half-day masterclass will examine historical and evidence-based methods for delivering healthcare facilities and green spaces, both within the UK and internationally, to foster healthier and more sustainable communities. It will also address how we can adapt and evolve using emerging technologies and funding opportunities.

Additionally, the masterclass will compare public health policies between England and Wales, highlighting how Wales’ integration of health and environmental considerations into policy has led to positive outcomes.

Emphasising the need for infrastructure and skills, these sessions will illustrate how to provide both tangible and intangible benefits, such as improved mental health and rehabilitation.

  • Practical Applications: Apply the principles and practices discussed to real-world projects, enhancing the design and management of healthcare facilities and green spaces to achieve better health outcomes.
  • Collaborative Strategies: Foster interdisciplinary collaboration among landscape architects, healthcare professionals, urban planners, and policymakers to create integrated solutions for health and wellbeing

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