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A joint event from LISW Branch and Arboricultural Association Cornwall Branch looking at successfully delivering tree planting
This event is run as a hybrid event with a virtual part from 10am-12.30pm and a site visit in Plymouth from 3-5pm. Please note – this booking is for the site visit to Plymouth, and is limited to 30 people. The site visit is limited to members of the LI and Arb Assoc. Booking is essential, and people arriving without a booking will be turned away. See separate EventBrite booking page for the virtual morning session, which does not have number limitations –
Trees are an integral component of urban spaces and wider landscape. A collaborative approach to the planning, design, planting and management of trees will ultimately provide the greatest social, environmental and economic benefits. The speakers in the morning virtual session will highlight the important contribution of trees at both a strategic and local level, including the benefits of professional and community collaboration.
The site visit will focus on reviewing tree planting initiatives and assess landscape / environmental contribution. It will be led by Hayley Rogers, Chris Avent and Alan Rowe from Plymouth City Council.
Covid-19 guidelines from Government will be adhered to. Please do not attend if you have Covid symptoms or had a positive test. Please maintain social distancing during the site visit.
Anne Jaluzot is an urban planner with 20 years' experience in environmentally led approaches to urban policy, design and regeneration. In the UK, as part of the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), she led CABE Space’s input into a wide range of local green infrastructure planning initiatives. Now working as an independent consultant on urban greening, Anne conducted the research and writing of TDAG’s Trees in the Townscape: A Guide for Decision Makers(2012); Trees in Hard Landscapes: A Guide for Delivery(2014); Trees, Planning and Development: A Guide for Delivery(2021); and the forthcoming Tree and Woodland Strategies: A Good Practice Guide.
Anne Jaluzot
Bob Stephenson has worked in arboriculture and horticulture for 40 years -for the past 22 years with Devon County Council. As the county tree officer, he has taken a leading role in the management of Hymenoscyphus fraxinea (Ash dieback) for the last eight years. Bob provides the secretariat for the Devon and Cornwall Tree Officers group and Devon Ash dieback resilience forum, and is an active member of the Arboricultural Association western branch and the Devon branch of the Ancient Tree Forum. He has a passion for the biomechanical processes(or body language) of trees, and in particular, a love of all ancient trees.
Bob Stevenson, Devon Tree Officer, Devon County Council
Formerly working with Plymouth Tree Partnership and PCC in a freelance capacity on tree related projects in the city, I joined the Green Estates team in Nov 2020 to develop and manage the Tree Planting Programmes across the city and community and partner engagement across the Plan for Trees strategy.
Hayley Rogers, Natural Infrastructure Officer, PCC
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