29th July 2021

New on Catch-Up: The RootSpace Story

Campus Admin

GreenBlue continues to support the Landscape Institute and the LI Campus for the learn from any anywhere approach.  We are now fully emerged into the world of virtual communication and even with the likelihood that life will gradually return to some form of normality, online learning will no doubt be here to stay.  Education has always been our passion and we are pleased to continue to provide a range of interactive sessions for listeners across the globe.  

Our new LI Campus webinar focuses on the celebration of the increased establishment of trees in the urban environment using soil cells, sometimes known as crate systems or pavement support systems.  

It has been 20 years since our founder developed the first innovative soil cell, during this presentation, he will join Howard to share with you the experiences, exciting moments and the breakthrough events which led to the creation of ArborSystem® – the most advanced tree pit system available.   

Unsurprising, our story starts with trees, it is difficult to imagine life without them, they are also complex organisms, interacting with their surroundings in many ways – the living lungs of the planet.  

We will look at the forest floor environment which is where trees do best – healthy uncompacted soil.  The problem with forest floor soil is that it is only healthy for as long as it is uncompacted. Higher organic volume soils quickly become anaerobic when compacted, creating zones from which tree roots cannot access nutrient or minerals.  

Compare this to the built environment where trees are most needed for shade, water management, air quality and so many other ecosystem benefits, it became obvious that to keep tree rooting zones effective for tree growth the soil must be uncompacted and aerated – the soil cell was born. 

We will share the lightbulb moment, prototypes that led to continued innovation and all generations of soil cells that GreenBlue has brought to market, all having undergone thorough comparison testing against known engineered solutions.  Highlighting RootSpace the current and first “panel” system designed with an air deck for healthy aerated soil, an additional side panel for strength capabilities and made in the UK from 100% recycled/recyclable material with the option of reused marine debris. 

Revolution does not stop there; GreenBlue continue to work hard to bring you the next innovative solution – click here to watch Howard and Dean to discover more! 



This session has been developed over the past ten years by Chris Griffiths, Marshalls’ SuDS expert.

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