- Catch-Up
1 Feb 2022
LI Masterclass – LVIA – ‘raising the bar’ Improving standards in the quality of LVIA masterclass
This masterclass will include an opportunity to hear from landscape specialists from the public sector who receive and review these documents. The most common issues will be highlighted that often lead to LVIAs being considered unreliable or incomplete by the determining authority. Interactive learning sessions will allow to focus on how to address some of these key areas – including assessing effects on the special qualities of protected landscapes. Advice will draw upon the guidance in GLVIA3, statements of clarification on GLVIA3 and the Landscape Institutes GLVIA Panel responses to questions arising from the LVIA training webinar in December 2020 (Misconceptions and Best Practice) – as catalogued in LI TIN 01/21.
By exploring scope to ‘raise the bar’ and improve standards in the quality of LVIAs, the training will ultimately benefit the profession as represented in both the public and private sector.
Learning outcomes:
- Understand the most common issues with LVIAs from the users perspective
- Following discussion between public and private sector landscape architects, attendees will have the knowledge to deliver LVIAs of a higher standard
- What the baseline of an LVIA should usefully contain
- How to assign value and susceptibility to viewpoints
- How to define geographic extent in landscape character assessment
- How to assess the special qualities of protected landscapes
- Undertaking night-time assessment and how it links to the work undertaken by the lighting specialists
- Photography and visualisation techniques in night-time assessment
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