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2. Tomorrow’s World – Space, Place and Technology


Space, place and technology – what’s happening in digital? How are macro-trends impacting particular sectors? Futurist Tom Cheesewright makes sense of how the lines between the physical and digital worlds are blurring.

Tom Cheesewright

Tom Cheesewright is the founder of applied futurism practice Book of the Future and creator of the Applied Futurist's Toolkit, a suite of strategy and storytelling tools for agile organisations. Through consulting, speaking and media work Tom helps people to see, share and respond to a coherent vision of tomorrow.  Tom followed a degree in Mechatronic Engineering with 14 years in the tech industry, working with global brands such as BT, EE and IBM, and subsequently founded a series of technology-driven companies, including venture-backed big data analytics start-up CANDDi. 

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