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Tackling the Climate Emergency: Mitigation, Adaptation and Biodiversity
22 Sep 2020
Join sponsors Hardscape, Jupiter Play and GreenBlue Urban to discuss and debate the climate challenge from a manufacturer’s perspective. What specific actions can a supplier take to support the sector in the fight against climate change mitigation? Considering embodied carbon, designing for biodiversity and adapting to climate change, this session will highlight the challenges that lie ahead and discuss how through collaboration we can be successful in our sustainable approaches to mitigation.
6a. Can economic recovery be aligned with climate and biodiversity protection? – Mathew Haslam CMLI, Hardscape
Mathew Haslam, Managing Director of Hardscape will be exploring the climate challenge for manufacturers. With a commitment and focus on becoming carbon neutral, Mat Haslam will explore the challenges of embedding this into practice. Key questions will be asked:
6b. Designing for biodiversity: Nature in play – Kristina Causer, Jupiter Play
The value of greenspaces through lockdown has provided parks with a greater profile than ever before. But we must challenge the play landscape in the UK and seize the opportunity to green these hugely valuable community spaces to provide a rich variety of green features that not only boost ecosystems but also foster greater connections between people and their environment.
6c. Adapting to climate change: Tree planting at scale – Howard Gray, GreenBlue Urban
Howard Gray will discuss the need to act now, not just for the health, well- being and survival for all but to enable our landscapes and ecological systems to #adapttochange. We are all familiar with the fact that increased canopy cover can reduce the heat island effect – but there is more to it than that. Howard will also discuss the greater need for biodiversity, the collaboration between civilisation and ecology – the importance for a more resilient and sustainable future for all that live work and play in the urban environment.
6d. Panel Discussion
What specific actions can we undertake as a supplier to the profession?
Mathew Haslam CMLI, Hardscape
Mathew Haslam CMLI is Founder and Managing Director of Hardscape. Combining a background in business and a passion for geology. Mathew founded Hardscape in 1994 to bridge the gap between natural resources, organic materials and cutting- edge design. Leading from the front, Hardscape strives to protect and enhance the paving industry’s current and future demands, educating others on hard landscaping and sustainable sourcing, while realising aesthetic demands and functions within the design world with their unique production techniques. Mathew is a passionate advocate of creative design, especially in the landscape design sector.
Kristina Causer, Jupiter Play
Kristina has been creating playful environments for over 16 years, working in partnership with Local Authorities and landscape architects in the UK and Sweden. Passionate about the right of all children to play, Kristina was one of the founding authors of the PiPA (Plan Inclusive Play Areas) toolkit - a publication to help guide better inclusive design which is now widely used in procurement processes in the UK. Kristina leads the Innovation Hub of research and creative development at Jupiter Play, tackling key issues such as sustainability in the supply chain as well as championing the Sustainable Shoots programme.
Howard Gray, GreenBlue Urban
Howard Gray is an urban tree enthusiast and Specification Consultant at GreenBlue Urban. He has been closely involved in trees for most of his life and has personally planted many trees in urban areas. Howard feels passionately that we have a responsibility to future generations to give them high-quality tree canopy cover, and that this cannot happen unless we change the way trees and green infrastructure are viewed. Howard understands the arboricultural and urban forestry industries, and the constraints encountered in our urban environment. His case studies show it is possible to create greener and cleaner cities using green and blue infrastructure.
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