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Natural Capital
12 Mar 2019
This session will engage participants in understanding trees as core urban infrastructure, emphasising the various components of the ‘urban forest’ and recognising that different tree species – and trees in different locations – contribute different benefits to urban society. The session will feature in detail the valuation tools i-Tree Eco and CAVAT, and explore how their application can inform natural capital accounts. Participants will also see the findings of the latest research on attitudes to novel payments for urban trees.
Dr Kieron Doick is the Head of the Urban Forest Research Group at Forest Research, the research agency of the Forestry Commission. He is an Author/Co-author of 36 peer-reviewed articles and twenty-four books/book chapters and Forestry Commission publications. His research covers a broad spectrum from the regeneration of brownfield land to community woodland to monitoring and evaluating the benefits of trees and green infrastructure.
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