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Day 1.6 Legal requirements under the New Planning Reforms


This session will ask, from a legal perspective, ‘where are we now?’ and ‘where are we going?’ It will provide an overview of the reforms proposed in the White Paper (August 2020) entitled Planning for the Future, and relat-ed legal requirements, current and expected within the Planning Bill.

Chair: Sue James, Convenor, Trees and Design Action Group

Sue James is a Chartered Architect. She has worked in private practice in West Wales focusing on low energy buildings in their local context. She is a founding member of the Trees and Design Action Group, a member of the Edge and has advised Futurebuild on content for the Knowledge programme since 2007.


Speaker: Harriet Townsend, Barrister, Cornerstone Barristers

Harriet Townsend is a barrister at Corner-stone Barristers. She specialises in plan-ning, compulsory purchase, and environ-mental law. She is a leading senior junior with considerable experience within these fields. Recent work includes acting for Powys County Council in a major windfarm appeal, resisting the appeal on grounds of landscape (and heritage) impact.

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