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Day 3. 5 Principles of Inclusive Places – Inclusive experiences, Inclusive engagement, Inclusive community


This session will introduce the principles of inclusive places and the broader aspects of inclusive environments. It will include presentations from three industry experts on the themes of inclusive and accessible experiences, inclusive digital engagement and inclusive communities. 

You will get an enhanced knowledge of the influence that culture, geography and social circumstances has on people’s experiences of our urban landscapes. 

Chair: Paul Lincoln, Executive Director, Creative Projects and Publishing, Landscape Institute 

Paul Lincoln is Executive Director, Creative Projects and Publishing at the Landscape Institute and Commissioning Editor for Landscape, the LI’s quarterly journal. Paul managed the LI’s 90th Birthday Festival in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and has curated three exhibitions with the Building Centre, including Beyond the Green Belt and Rethinking the Urban Landscape.

Sue Morgan, Executive Director, Design Council  

Sue is the Executive Director of Design Council. She oversees the organisation’s work to create better and more resilient places giving strategic and detailed design guidance to clients on subject areas including health and wellbeing, sustainable living and future-proofing development.

Glenn Brown, Global Partnerships Director, Commonplace Digital Plc

Glenn has a background in developing commercial partnership across multiple sectors. He joined Commonplace just over 3 years ago to help build a revenue team. In this time the business has grown from 12 people to more than 40 and has seen 100% year on year revenue growth.

David Dropkin, Design Council Expert, NRAC Consultant 

David’s specialism is delivering strategic inclusive design consultancy to master planning and architectural teams, challenging perceptions about disability and delivering projects that embrace seamless provision for disabled and non-disabled people alike.

Alisha Morenike Fisher, Co-Founding Director, Migrant’s Bureau  

Alisha is an environmental design practitioner & researcher and she co-creates, builds and nurtures sacred spaces, communities and environments. Alisha’s experiences and skills include urban research, architecture and landscape urbanism.

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