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Day 5. 4 Practical Session: Calculating Biodiversity Net Gain


The Environment Bill 2020 will bring into UK law environmental protections and recovery, including the requirement to demonstrate biodiversity net gain in developments as part of the mitigation hierarchy. The calculation of biodiversity net gain in England will use a metric that was published in beta test by Natural England in 2019 and expected in final form this year to support the Environment Act. This session provides an introduction to the calculation ofbiodiversity units for a development and its impacts on biodiversity using UKHab mapping and habitat condition assessment. It will also explain the potential application of biodiversity offsets.

Bob Edmonds & Bill Butcher, UK HAB; Chair: Claire Wansbury CMLI, Atkins Ltd

Bob Edmonds, UK HAB

Bob specialises in ecological impact assessment, habitat management planning, biodiversity net gain (BNG) and protected fauna survey and mitigation. Bob was a member of the internationally-focussed Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (BBOP) Advisory Group from 2008 to 2018; a contributing author to CIRIA-CIEEM-IEMA Principles for BNG published in 2016 and is a committee member on British Standard BS8683 – Biodiversity Net Gain, where he is representing the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).

Bill Butcher, UK HAB

Bill Butcher, a Director at eCountability Ltd and UKHab Ltd, specialises in habitat information management and ecological impact assessment in the UK and overseas. Bill is the lead author of the UK Habitat Classification which is the basis of biodiversity net gain assessment, and a joint author of the Defra Biodiversity Metric.

Claire Wansbury CMLI, Atkins Ltd

Claire is a highly expereinces ecologist, who has been elected a Fellow of both CIEEM and the Linnean Society. Claire is one of the UK’s leading experts on biodiversity net gain, a significant policy change that will affect many major infrastructure projects. She also works with landscape designers, environmental economists and others to build shared understanding of the value of benefits the natural world provides to people.

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