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7. FitzPark: How small spaces can have a big impact on well-being


FitzPark is a temporary installation that has transformed a delivery bay on a busy, urban street into a pop-up park. The parklet promotes the delivery of temporary public-realm installations quickly and cost effectively to inspire new sustainable streetscape design, aligning with the London Mayor’s ‘Healthy Streets’ approach.

A pre and post evaluation study of FitzPark revealed success in achieving:

  • Enhanced walkability and opportunities for seating resulting in a 41% increase in self-reported wellbeing;
  • A 23% increase in users dwelling in the street, helping foster community interaction and provide economic benefits to local businesses;
  • A rapid colonisation of wildlife supporting climate change adaptation and increasing biodiversity;
  • Improved look and feel of the local environment with 100% of neighbouring businesses supporting the scheme.

Romy Rawlings and Emily Woodason

Emily Woodason is a senior Landscape Architect at the design, engineering and consultancy firm Arup. She has 10 years’ experience working on a variety of projects in the UK and internationally from high level strategic planning through to technical detailed design. Through this she has developed an ability to resolve urban problems at a depth of levels and with an understanding of the entire build cycle

Romy Rawlings is a Chartered Landscape Architect and UK Business Development Manager for Vestre, a Norwegian manufacturer of street furniture. Romy’s 25-year career has been based in the landscape sector, with the last decade being spent predominantly with manufacturers. Romy is a Green Flag judge, an Ambassador for the Landscape Institute, member of the LI’s Digital Practice working group and Chair of their Diversity & Inclusivity working group.


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This interactive session will highlight inclusive partnerships to form land use, transportation, and design frameworks that inform practical delivery and spur private sector investment.

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