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6. The value of place health & wellbeing: a developer’s perspective


This interactive session will highlight inclusive partnerships to form land use, transportation, and design frameworks that inform practical delivery and spur private sector investment.

Specific attention will focus on elements of planning and development of healthy places to support healthier living, transport and land use planning at the regional level, and human health and wellness buildings.

There are emerging examples of how alignment of planning regulatory measures with private investment capacity has been driving collaborations between planning authorities and private sector, and transforming business models in an era of constrained public sector resources. This session will outline examples from the TCPA’s recent Developers and Wellbeing project which engaged in a collaboration between councils and their development partners.

At the end of this session delegates will be able to :
  • Have a wider appreciation and understanding of development perspective on the value of healthy natural places.
  • Discuss engagement methods to foster private sector consensus and commitment to future generations of healthy towns and communities.
  • Define what public-private collaboration performance measures and strategies are needed to successfully implement healthy new towns in any political, social, economic, environmental, technological and spatial contexts.

Michael Chang and Kevin Parker

Michael Chang is a Chartered Town Planner and Honorary Member of the UK Faculty of Public Health. Michael leads TCPA’s 'Reuniting Health with Planning' initiative of stakeholder engagement, policy research and giving high level event presentations, and was seconded to Public Health England in 2016. He has produced guidance publications on delivering healthy places including Planning Healthy Weight Environments, and Developers and Wellbeing involving UK health agencies, planning authorities and developers.

Kevin Parker is a chartered Town Planner and Urban Designer with over 20 years’ experience in both the private and public sectors. Prior to joining Redrow as their Group Masterplanning Director earlier this year he worked as a masterplanning consultant where he was responsible for the design of large scale residential-led new communities on behalf of national housebuilders, land owners and promoters.

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