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1. The biosecurity continuum: an introduction


Plants and trees are vital national assets – contributing to our food supply, rural economy and biodiversity. Discover how Defra’s risk-based approach and world-leading science and research encourages a collective response to a constantly evolving threat level; one that strengthens protection, minimises impact and enhances the ability of our plants and trees to resist pressures.

Lord Gardiner

Lord Gardiner has been the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Rural Affairs and Biosecurity at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs since 2016. He is a Conservative member of the House of Lords. His responsibilities span biosecurity, including endemic and exotic plant and animal disease and invasive alien species, bee health and the National Pollinator Strategy, landscape (including national parks, AONBs and access), rural affairs and more.

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Discover how individuals and industry can - and must - work proactively and in partnership with plant health services to protect the UK’s biosecurity.

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