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Health, Wellbeing & Place
29 Nov 2018
This session will focus on the Land Trust’s innovative two-year Health for Life project that was run at the Countess of Chester County Park and academically evaluated by the Natural Health Service Centre of Excellence.
The £70,000 programme saw nearly 700 different events and sessions organised at the park for the public and NHS staff from the nearby hospital. Nearly 300 participants took part in the study with their health and wellbeing measured at the start and end of an 8-12 week programme.
Alan is Director of Portfolio Management for the Land Trust and is responsible for the Land Trust’s estates portfolio, ensuring that its sites are managed safely and efficiently, but most importantly, that it delivers measurable and sustainable impacts across all its five charitable aims for the local communities who live and work around the sites. Alan is working on a number of significant national partnership programmes and is responsible for its communications and marketing.
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