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3. Digital Inclusion and Democratisation of Data


Learn about Open Data platforms and tools and how they can help inform urban designers of social and health issues. This session will explore how to create accessible, interactive data and uncover the importance of maintaining a social justice lens when working in the digital realm.  

Learning Outcomes: 
  • What types of digital tools exist and where can you find them? 
  • How do you access Open Data? 
  • Creating accessible, interactive data (eg. instead of creating pdfs, use web-based options) 
  • Importance of maintaining a social justice lens when working in the digital realm. 

Zoe Banks Gross

Zoe leads the Our Digital City team at  Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC), connecting communities and creating change in Bristol. Her programme of work focuses on empowering people with technology, digital tools and data to co-design solutions to the problems they identify. She is interested in how we can use technology to connect with the natural and built environment. Prior to working in the community sector, Zoe spent 15 years researching and monitoring aquatic ecology and environmental management in the Pacific Northwest, Germany and Wales.  

Her work explores the intersections between technology, social justice, health, and sustainability. 

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