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Day 1.1 Opening and Keynote: From movement to memories – How landscape shapes our health and wellbeing


The causes of ill-health today are different from those 50 years ago, and we must continue to shape places that support the mental and physical health of 21st century populations. Uncover the research available in this keynote session, such as the ‘Putting Health into Place’ report from the Healthy New Towns project, which provides extensive practical advice on how to build the healthiest places possible.

Julia Thrift

Julia Thrift is Director of Healthier Place-making at the TCPA (Town & Country Planning Association) where she works to facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration to create well-designed places, spaces and buildings that make it easier for people to live healthier lives. Earlier in her career she was a Director at the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE). Formerly a journalist, she has a degree in philosophy from UCL.

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