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Day 2. 5 Where is nature’s digital twin? Connecting the physical environment to social science


How can digital twins for built environment ‘habitats’ connect people to nature through biological observations and contribute to national social science? How can this enhance our mental and physical wellbeing? Join this session to find out.

Chair: Thomas (Yunqing), Landscape Architect at Ares Landscape Architects

Thomas has more than two years’ experience successfully delivering UK BIM framework compliant projects. He leads Ares’s practice-wide BIM strategy, digital practice development, and training. He has been working closely with Vectorworks and contributes to improve user experience and landscape professional practice.

Adam Russell Cane, Sustainability Lead at ACO Technologies Plc

An experienced civil engineer with a MSc in Renewable Energy and Energy Management. At ACO he leads the Net Zero Carbon strategy in line with SBTi targets, manages the development of carbon assessment tools, and represents the company as an emerging leader for the Construction Leadership Council’s CO2nstructionZero campaign.


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