LI Webinar: Biodiversity Net Gain: Habitat Management and Monitoring Plans

This webinar will explore habitat management and monitoring plans for biodiversity net gain (BNG) and how to use the new Template to develop your plans.

The webinar will cover how these plans

  • Fit into the wider BNG process, securing habitats for the longer-term
  • Where to find the relevant guidance.

This session is led by Maria Hardy, Senior Advisor at Natural England’s BNG Policy Team.

Maria looks at the Small Sites Metric (Statutory Biodiversity Metric) habitat management and monitoring plan template and how to use it to prepare your plans.

“Informative and well timed for a project of ours. It was useful to hear about the template for the small sites metric as I think this will be very relevant to us” – past attendee


  • Maria Hardy, Senior Advisor, Natural England

Chaired by John O’Keeffe, Head of Education & Careers • Education & Careers, Landscape Institute.

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