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1. Beyond ‘landscaping’: Landscape and Green Infrastructure at the heart of planning for people and places


From inspiring the creation of places to eco-system services Landscape and Green Infrastructure is a fundamental component of planning for sustainability. How can the creative and technical contribution of the Landscape profession be more effectively embedded in the planning process to unlock long term value for people and places? 

Patrick Clarke

Patrick, UK and Ireland Master planning lead, Aecomhas more than 20 years experience at the forefront of the professional debate on planning for housing and sustainable communities. His work has included the ground breaking policy studies of Sustainable Residential Quality that articulated a design-led approach to housing density based around a better integration of land use and movement and a series of national design guides including the Urban Design Compendium, Better Places to Live and Better Places to work.  

Patrick was a member of the TCPA Expert Group advising on the development of Garden City principles and has contributed to a number of publications developing the planning and urban design aspects. He has directed masterplanning for large scale new communities on brownfield sites at Charlton Riverside, Greenwich and Ebbsfleet Garden City and on a wide range of greenfield sites including Great Kyne, Peterborough for HCA. Other large scale projects include the Manydown project as part of the Basingstoke Garden Town initiative and Welborne Garden Village, Fareham. Patrick has a strong appreciation of the need for an evidence-led approach to the planning of large scale and highly complex projects and has led the development of AECOM's Masterplanning ie methodology to provide a bespoke approach to projects of this type. 

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