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2. Active Parks – Innovation and Evolution post COVID-19


1a. Creating Safer Public Spaces – Neil Manthorpe, Atkins
As cases of COVID increase and social distancing measures continue, how can we make our parks and public places both safer and more inviting for us to use? How can we integrate social distancing measures within our public places? We will look back at the emerging guidance, best practice and look forward at the likely changing trends and potential solutions.

1b. Connecting Communities: Making the most of Social Prescribing – Dr Mark Brookes, Nuffield Road Medical Centre
Join Dr Mark Brookes for an in-depth examination of social prescribing; what it entails, the tangible benefits, and how practitioners can utilise it to connect communities with open spaces.

1c. Panel Discussion: Skills for Recovery
In this panel discussion, the session speakers will reconvene to exchange ideas on skills for recovery, post pandemic.

Neil Manthorpe, Dr Mark Brookes

Neil Manthorpe, Atkins

Neil Manthorpe is Associate Director of Atkins and leads their London Landscape and Urban Design Studio. The awardwinning design team create places that transform lives, delivering creative, holistic and innovative solutions for clients. Neil’s areas of expertise include green infrastructure, public realm, cycling and smart cities. He has used this experience to produce several design guidance documents and sits on the Wandsworth Design Review Panel. Neil has won several awards for his project work and recently led the Atkins team to win the City of London’s Smarter City ideas competition.

Dr Mark Brookes, Nuffield Road

Dr Mark Brookes (MBChB FRCOG) is clinical lead for social prescribing for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group. Mark has been a GP for nineteen years, operating from the Nuffield Road Medical Centre in Cambridge. Since 2015, he has been a Royal College of General Practitioners Personalised Care champion.

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