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2. The nature of Life


For thousands of years we have depended on the ecosystems of our planet. Our increasing ecological footprint is causing severe problems, and we urgently need to find new ways to safeguard life on earth. We must ‘translate and integrate our green capital’ to make the earth a good and sustainable place to live. Many solutions, including social-economic solutions, can be found in nature. We just need to follow the resilience of nature’s design; to reflect, rethink and harmonize our behavior and our relationship with planetary boundaries, and translate them into a language everybody can understand.

Ignace Schops

Ignace Schops, Belgian environmentalist is the Director of the Belgian NGO Regionaal Landschap Kempen en Maasland (RLKM), President of EUROPARC federation and full member of the EU chapter of the Club of Rome and the Rewilding Europe Circle.Ignace was awarded with the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2008, better known as the Green Nobel Prize and became an Honorary Doctor at the Hasselt University in 2011.

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