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4. The gamification of landscape architecture


Dr Umran Ali explores how video games design and landscape architecture have started to converge in areas such as planning, design and production tools. The session includes a live demonstration (using a next generation games design production tool, Crytek’s CryEngine 5) of rapidly planning and building an immersive virtual environment, with participants as co-creators.

At the end of this session delegates will be able to :
  • Recognise and assess the importance of changing video games production technologies on landscape architecture.
  • Identify and discuss areas of convergence between video games design and landscape architecture.
  • Effectively identify and apply key games design principles to various aspects of landscape architecture planning and design through 'gamification'.
  • Identify and appreciate the impact of key immersive technologies such as VVR on landscape planning and design.
  • Rapidly plan and prototype a virtual natural environment using a games design tool (Crytek's CryEngine 5).

Dr Umran Ali

Dr Umran Ali is a senior lecturer in creative media at the School of Arts at the University of Salford. Before his current role, he led the B.Sc Computer and Video Games programme for a number of years. His Ph.D and research focuses on natural environment and landscape design in video games, and how landscape architecture can be used to further evolve natural environment design in video games.  He has written extensively on video games design and production, including writing and validating a number of Higher Education programmes across the UK and internationally.

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