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5. Achieving quality place-making in garden communities


This session will look at the North Northamptonshire growth area which consists of seven Garden Communities – four consented and three in the planning stages.  These are expected to provide a combined total of in excess of 25,000 dwellings. It will look at the policies and practice that the North Northants Joint Planning and Delivery Unit, working across 4 Local Planning Authority Areas, are using to push for design quality, particularly on landscape led masterplans, use of Design Review Panels,  Building for Life 12, different ways of bringing in design expertise into public practice, and our emerging Place Shaping North Northants website.  It will also focus on the challenges to quality and where we hope we could see improvements in planning applications – particularly landscape concepts, better integration with SuDS, and making sure that landscape shown on plan is actually delivered!  The session will also use, as a detailed case study, Tresham Garden Village, which is one of the 12 in the Garden Villages Programme where a collaboration with the promoters has helped develop a landscape led masterplan, an ecosystems systems services assessment and very detailed work around street design and long term management of green infrastructure. 

At the end of this session delegates will be able to : 
  • Have an appreciation of the methods local planning authorities can use in large scale development to advocate for quality 
  • Understand what planners need at what stage of the planning process to be sure of quality. 
  • Understand how a small new settlement of 1500 homes can be exemplary with the right ingredients in place.  

Amy Burbidge

Amy Burbidge is the Design Manager at the North Northamptonshire Joint Planning and Delivery Unit.  The Unit is a shared service across the 4 Local Planning Authorities in the area and works to ensure that spatial planning is done across boundaries and with a common-purpose. Amy  provides advice to the  partner authorities in the JPDU area on urban design in terms of policy, major strategic sites applications and training and supporting the planning teams across the area.  Amy is also panellist for the Cambridgeshire Quality Panel & East Midland’s Design Review Panel (OPUN), and helps to provide training through the Design Network and Design for Homes.   She has been with the NNJPDU for 10 years, in a post originally created with CABE and Arts Council England.   Before that Amy worked at the London Borough of Harrow as Design and Conservation Manager.  She is an archaeologist by training, later completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Design. 

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This session highlights the national policy background relating to planning in high quality and special landscapes, drawing attention to relevant Government documents and recent changes. 


The session will focus on the seeds of planning once again being seen as a force for good in managing land and resources in a coherent fashion whilst enabling growth.

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