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4. Special Landscapes: Planning for Sustainable Development


This session highlights the national policy background relating to planning in high quality and special landscapes, drawing attention to relevant Government documents and recent changes.  The background to national policy will be discussed and related to specific case studies and examples of development planning and conservation in practice.  There will be an emphasis on planning in designated landscapes and the Green Belt, identifying key roles and participants in the process and how best to reconcile the often competing demands of sustainable development with landscape conservation and heritage. 

At the end of the session delegates will be 
  • Familiar with the National Planning Policy Framework insofar as it relates to planning in areas of special landscape
  • Aware of the competing demands of sustainable development and landscape/heritage conservation and the role that the landscape professional can have in navigating or reconciling these
  • Familiar with techniques to conserve or enhance landscape quality through development planning and management

Karin Taylor

Karin is a geographer, Chartered Town Planner and Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute and is Head of Planning for the National Trust.  In that role Karin leads a team of 18 Planners throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland who advise the Trust on every aspect of Planning, and is responsible for professional standards, internal policy and guidance and continuing professional development.  She engages closely with Government on emerging national planning policy, was a member of the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Planning Sounding Board and is currently a member of the Planning Appeal Inquiries Review Expert Panel.  Karin joined the National Trust 10 years ago following 26 years working in local government at District and County level in both policy and development management. originally created with CABE and  Arts Council England.   Before that Amy worked at the London Borough of Harrow as Design and Conservation Manager.  She is an archaeologist by training, later completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Design. 

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This session will look at the North Northamptonshire growth area which consists of seven Garden Communities - four consented and three in the planning stages. 

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