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7. Visual Representation of Development Proposals: An overview of TGN


This seminar provides an overview of the LI’s new guidance ‘Visual Representation of Development Proposals’, TGN 06/19.  It will review the need for the guidance, where it has come from, how it is organised, how to use it, and how to engage constructively with local authorities to agree the appropriate level of visualisation. As well as providing technical information, the guidance has been designed to establish a proportionate approach to the production of visualisations. 

Learning outcomes: 
  • why a proportionate approach to visualisation is required
  • how to apply the guidance to arrive at the right Visualisation Type
  • how to deliver appropriate visual representations

Bill Blackledge

Bill is the director of a small registered practice, 2B Landscape Consultancy.  He has been a member of the LI's Technical Committee since 2011 and took on chairing the 'Photography and Photomontage' steering group in 2016.  Since then, he has spent rather too much time negotiating a delicate balance between multiple points of view, in the production of TGN 06/19. 

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