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9. Administering contracts: biosecurity from nursery to landscape (intro)


A presentation and Q&A session, with questions led by Leeds Beckett University’s Professor Alan Simson.

Examine how landscape professionals can work with nurseries, addressing what to look for when inspecting stock, practices to watch out for, best practice for site visits, managing substitutions to a contract and the opportunities afforded by contract growing.

Professor Alan Simson

Professor Alan Simson is Professor of Landscape Architecture and Urban Forestry at Leeds Beckett University. He has extensive understanding of urban landscapes, having worked on UK New Towns and many EU research projects. Alan is a member of the International Committee of the European Forum on Urban Forestry, serves as lead UK representative on the FAO’s Asia-Pacific Meeting on Urban Forestry, and is a member of the LI’s Plant Health and Biosecurity Group.

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Trees contribute a range of ecosystem services in urban environments - but their capacity to contribute depends heavily on their physiological condition.


Examine how landscape professionals can work with nurseries.

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