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Day 1.2 Incorporating landscape into local plan making


The session will set out Reading’s experience in incorporating landscape considerations into Reading’s new Local Plan (2019) and challenges that have been faced in developing and implementing this policy. It will also consider the future of local plan-making and how proposed significant changes to the form and process for local plans in the Planning White Paper might affect how landscape is approached.

Chair: Dr Keren Jones CMLI, Honorary Secretary of the Landscape Institute

Keren qualified as a chartered landscape architect in 1982, and has had a broad ca-reer spanning the private, public, and char-itable sectors. This includes senior roles at Groundwork, the South East of England Development Agency, and eight years as Director of City Economy at City of Wolver-hampton Council.


Mark Worringham, Principal Planning Officer, Reading BC

Mark Worringham is Planning Policy Team Leader at Reading Borough Council, where he has worked on development plans since 2004. Mark led the production of the recent Reading Borough Local Plan, adopted in 2019, and is also responsible for RBC’s responses to government consultations. He also man-ages the infrastructure monitoring, natural environment and conservation parts of the Planning section’s work.

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