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Day 2.2 Delivering BNG through the planning system


At this session Anna will set BNG in a strategic planning context, showing how the existing system could be improved through an environmental lens and exploring how we can make BNG a successful part of the planning system.

Chair: Jane Findlay CMLI PLI, President of the Land-scape Institute

Jane Findlay is a Landscape Architect, the founding director of Fira and President of the Landscape Institute. She is an experienced masterplanner and designer of large and Complex infrastructure projects for education residential, transportation, life sciences and commercial developments. Jane has a particularly experienced in the design of the healing landscape for healthcare and has de-livered some of the most complex healthcare projects in the UK.


Speaker: Anna Rose, Head of the Planning Advisory Service, Local Government Association

Anna holds a first degree and masters in Town and Country Planning and has been an RTPI member since 2003. Anna became Head of Planning and Culture at Rugby in 2007. Anna is currently the Head of the Planning Advisory Service, delivering improvement in planning services across the country. Anna is a past president of the Planning Officers Society; a trustee of the TCPA, a non-executive director of Public Practice and sits on the standards board of Building with Nature.

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