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LI CPD: Health, Wellbeing and Place
27 Jan 2021
Join Sarah Preston of Natural England and learn of her strategic work in connecting communities with the natural environment, including efforts to embed social prescribing into the NHS.
Sarah Preston has worked at Natural England since 2006. Currently she works nationally specialising in strategic work to connect people and their communities with the natural environment for positive physical and mental health outcomes. She is also seconded part time to the National Academy for Social Prescribing as the national development lead for the natural environment. She is working closely with NHSE to embed connecting people to nature more systematically particularly through the mechanism of social prescribing and the training of social prescribing link workers. She is Natural England’s grant manager for the Growing Care Farming project being delivered by Social Farms & Gardens. She previously worked on other Natural England programmes including Walking for Health, Access to Nature and prior to that with English Nature and the Countryside Agency on community engagement programmes.
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