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Day 2. 2a Designing for an active future


Informed by World Health Organisation frameworks, international evidence and Australian policy, this session will provide an in-depth exploration of HASSELL’s internationally-recognised Healthy Active By Design (HABD) tool. Now with an active ageing integration, an expansion of existing design principles to encompass a whole life-span approach, the tool provides a strong foundation for constructing an exemplary and inclusive built environment.

Robina Crook

Robina Crook, is a Senior Associate at HASSELL and has led the development of the three collaborative phases of the HABD tool since 2013. Her town planning training, urban design expertise and urban strategies understanding has informed the production of the HABD tool. Understanding different perspectives is essential to great outcomes and Robina’s experience in the private and local government sectors informs all her decision making. A member of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) and previously Vice President of the Western Australian branch of PIA and policy officer has also informed a deep understanding of the needs of those designing and creating great public realm.

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Join Sarah Preston of Natural England and learn of her strategic work in connecting communities with the natural environment, including efforts to embed social prescribing into the NHS. 

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