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Day 2. 3 Inclusive Play in Natural Environments


Playful environments that connect children with nature has hugely powerful benefits; when creating wholly inclusive natural environments play experiences are elevated for all. This session will explore the influence of technology in built environment, behavioural science in design of public spaces and much more. 

Chair: Jane Swift, CEO, Landscape Institute 

Jane joined the Landscape Institute as Interim CEO back in February 2021. Following a long career in BT plc, Jane has used the skills and experience she has gained in the charity sector to help organisations create a future strategic direction and a solid foundation on which to build.

Kristina Causer, Head of Sales and Marketing, Jupiter Play & Leisure Ltd  

Creating playful environments for over 17 years, working in partnership with Local Authorities and Landscape architects across the UK and for a while in Sweden too! Passionate about the right for all children to play, Kristina was one of the founding authors of the PiPA (Plan Inclusive Play Areas) toolkit; a publication to help guide better inclusive design, now widely used in the procurement process in the UK.

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