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Day 3. 2b How well considered design can improve wellbeing


As we adjust to life with the risk of coronavirus, the great outdoors has never
been more important. Join us from the safety of your own home for a virtual
presentation discussing how adding green infrastructure through well considered design can make cities healthier places to live, which will enhance wellbeing. You will hear an enlightening presentation from industry expert Euan Taylor (Kinley), with live Q&A at the end of the session.
This interactive session will discuss the value of green space and the impact
this has upon wellbeing. It will uncover the landscaping futures: the impact of
landscape design on community confidence. You will also be inspired by Kinley’s landscape edging and raised planter solutions.

Euan Taylor

Euan has had over 5 years of on-site experience within the landscape arena. Having been raised in suburban London, Euan’s innate connection and understanding of connecting nature and urban environments, presented itself early in his career. From working with sustainable materials from the outset, intertwined with practical on-site experience, Euan’s knowledge of mixing these elements is unrivalled. Join Kinley’s Euan Taylor for a discussion on how great design can enhance wellbeing from ground level to roof terraces.

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Enhancing green spaces and play within the public realm is key to ensure that children have the right tools to improve their development.

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