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Day 3. 2a International responses to a green Covid recovery


Romy gives us an overview of the insight that Vestre has gained during the
last 9 months into the Covid-19 response across Scandinavia, the UK, the USA
and Germany. The session will explore the similarities and differences in the
countries’ approach to the pandemic and its impact on the public realm. It will
also cover Vestre’s learnings about the re-distribution of streets and public
space will be presented. The session will cover several aspects of sustainable
recovery – the environmental (including greening cities to improve air quality); the
economic (reviving areas that have been severely impacted by Covid-19); and
social (ensuring previous societal inequalities are not worsened post-Covid).

Romy Rawlings

Romy Rawlings is a Chartered Landscape Architect and Commercial Director for Vestre Ltd, a Norwegian manufacturer of street furniture. Romy's entire career has been based in the landscape sector, and she is passionate about the impact of good design upon those using outdoor space, believing that landscape architects are well placed to counter many of today's global issues, including climate change, air and water quality, social inequalities etc. Romy is an active member of the LI, and has previously been a Board member, Technical Committee member, and Chair of their Diversity & Inclusion working group.

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The global pandemic has put health infrastructure under the spotlight in every country in the world.


As we adjust to life with the risk of coronavirus, the great outdoors has never been more important.

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