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View PricingLI CPD Conference: Planning Reforms
28 Sep 2021
Natural Topsoil has in recent years been overshadowed by a multitude of manufactured soils, this session will reintroduce the delegates to natural soils, where they sit within BS3882 – 2015, the intrinsic benefits of specifying a Natural Soil and what can be expected. In an environment of sustainability, carbon consciousness and climate change, natural soils could be an answer to some of these questions, especially as we consider longer term soil biology and the increasing importance of soil health.
Chair: David Hackett, Technical Director, Biora Ltd
David won a Welsh Arts Council Scholar-ship to study Temple Gardens in Japan. On return to England to study for a Masters in Landscape Design at Manchester University, David set up the Japanese Gardens Society with the aim of promoting Japanese Garden aesthetics in landscape design. DH was a practicing Landscape Architect for 15 years and rep-resented the Landscape Institute on the BSI AW020 soils committee.
Speaker: Jason Lock, Business Development Manager, Boughton
Jason is an award-winning designer who has spent the last 30 years in the Landscape/Gar-den Design & Construction industry working for several companies throughout that time both as a Designer and as a Project/Contract Manager. He also ran his own business for 10 years prior to his last position at Bowles & Wyer as Head of Design & Build.
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