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LI CPD: Health, Wellbeing and Place
27 Jan 2021
This session will draw upon the rich evidence that exists to support a nature-friendly approach to development and realise our potential as healthy and happy communities.
Dr Gemma Jerome is the Director of Building with Nature, the UK’s first benchmark for high-quality green infrastructure. She has been developing the benchmark with a team of industry and research specialists since 2015 and is now leading on establishing Building with Nature as the 'how to' quality standards for the design, delivery and long-term management and maintenance of nature-rich development. Gemma is a qualified town planner with a research and practice specialism in environmental management and green infrastructure. Through her doctoral studies she examined the role of stewardship in the longevity and resilience of community-scale green infrastructure, with a focus on health and social outcomes associated with access to nature at the residential scale.
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