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LI CPD: Health, Wellbeing and Place
27 Jan 2021
This session will introduce the concept and methodology of HIAs and consider how (and why) HIA can support the interpretation of Health & Well-Being within the context of landscape/land use planning. This is particularly important now more than ever following Covid-19 and how the focus needs to shift to enable ‘A Green Recovery’. Presentation and discussion.
Lee has worked in the field of public health since 2001 and joined Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) in 2015. Following graduation in 2000 Lee worked as a community health development practitioner on a number of Welsh Government funded health improvement programmes before joining the North Wales Public Health Team in 2008. It was whilst working in Conwy in 2006 that Lee was first introduced to HIA. Since then she has undertaken further training and applied HIA across various settings including the voluntary sector, planning, health and local authorities. As part of the WHIASU team Lee is now involved in delivering HIA training, supporting and facilitating HIA’s and advocacy of HIA with wider partners.
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