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Day 2. 3a Holistic healthy design: A look at Cranbrook’s healthy new


The Cranbrook Healthy New Town pilot programme has been
working with health services to identify the ways urban form affects health
and wellbeing. This session will uncover the robust evidence pinpointing how
collaboration, big data and a ‘whole person’ approach can transform the ways we design for and develop communities.

Kenji Shermer

Kenji has worked as Urban Designer for East Devon District Council for the past 6 years and was Cranbrook Built Environment Lead for the NHS England Healthy New Town Pilot, focussing on evidence to find ways to address the wider determinants of ill-health in commercially-led development. Kenji has a background in design, planning and psychology and is interested in the way our environments affect health and happiness and how this relates to what we like or dislike about the spaces we live in.

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Green Roofs are often a hidden gem within urban environments, offering so much more than the obligatory points and scoring system of sustainability and biodiversity.

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