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Day 3. 2c Play in the place: the positive impact of community play on children’s development and wellbeing


Enhancing green spaces and play within the public realm is key to ensure that
children have the right tools to improve their development. In this session we will discuss the social, mental and physical benefits of play for children, from using nature’s own source – water, wind, light to adding informal play offerings in green spaces. We’ll explore the history of children’s roaming within in cities, discuss why it’s critical to ensure that there are a variety of play experiences for children in any play space and review the social, physical and mental benefits of play spaces.

Mark Grimshaw

Passionate about engaging with the environment – a keen walker, runner and cyclist – Mark wants children to develop via natural play opportunities, and by experiencing risk and challenge.  

Mark holds a degree in Geography from Lancaster University, and a Masters in Urban Regeneration and Development which was achieved at the University of Manchester. His role at Timberplay has seen him working with Landscape Architects on play projects across the UK - most recently on, the LI Excellence in Public Health and Wellbeing award nominee project, Catherine Street Inclusive Play Park. 

Prior to joining Timberplay he spent the previous 12 years in a project management capacity at a Community Interest Company. As Contract Manager, Mark led their landscape contracting division; delivering a wide range of projects including play, public realm, civils and maintenance. 

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