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Day 3. 3 How to cultivate Inclusive settings using modular solutions


As the world starts to recover from the pandemic, there has been a clear cultural shift and we are appreciating the outdoors now more than ever. As purveyors of modular design, Furnitubes have put social inclusivity at the forefront of what they do, bringing people together outside safely. This 1-hour interactive session will take you on a journey through modular design and how to cultivate inclusive environments using set modules in a diverse way. 

Chair: Andrew Cottage CMLI, Associate Director, Urban Edge 

Andrew is a Chartered Landscape architect with some 28 years’ experience within the private sector. He has worked on a wide range of projects including gateway developments on high profile sites in London; new Forest Schools; urban renewal and historic landscape restoration schemes.

Catherine Barratt, Managing Director, Furnitubes 

Managing Director of Furnitubes, leading designer and supplier of design led street furniture passionate about getting people outside and engaged with the urban landscape. Catherine is also a Director of Contracts Engineering Ltd, an established precision engineering business based in Kent and Furnitubes’ manufacturing partner.

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